Soo Boys


C’est évidemment sur Tumblr que nous avons croisé les travaux graphiques de Soo, jeune coréenne de 19 ans. 

Elle crée des mash-up où s’imbriquent oeuvres d’art et photographies de mode masculine. 

Sa fascination et l’objet de ses travaux artistiques ? Les « New face boys » 


What’s your name ? 
My Name is Soo.
Where are you ? 
I live in Seoul, South Korea.
How old are you ? 
I’m 19 years old.
Please tell us why you art which is so diverse in techniques has in common the male model’s beauty.  
As a 19 year-old-girl, I have fantasies about man or boys. I like reading fashion magazines since the age of 13. The various poses which models took for the magazines became some kind of a story to me and it fascinated me. Male models have not only a good looking appearance, but also a mysterious appeal.
That excited my curiosity and inspired me to capture the hidden stories behind their beautiful faces.
What means  » youth  » to you ? 
‘Youth’ is like various colors of paints to me. I can draw anything which I like with these colorful paints on the canvas called the world.
What message do you intend to send via your images ?
Like the name of my blog, ‘The Boy Who’, the boys in my artworks reflect any stories and images which you dream of. I want to show you the boys who you have been dreaming of through my works.


andreas shimanski










