Daria est mannequin d’origine russe à l’agence OUI MANAGEMENT Paris.
Elle a posé pour nous à l’hôtel MOLITOR .On pourra dire qu’elle aura bien joué le jeu malgré le froid glacial ce jour là !
Suite à cette séance photo, Claire notre journaliste lui a posé quelques questions, in english OF COURSE !!


/ When and how did ur modelling career start?

I started modeling around three years ago. Being a model has never been my goal. For me, the most important was to do and finish perfectly University. Basically what I did. Of course a lot of people were saying that I look like a model. I’ve always been one of the highest and skinniest in my school and I complexed because of it. It is my best friend who pushed me to be a model. She  brought  me in the agency in my hometown, Krasnodar. Then one time, in my agency,  French representatives from an agency arrived, did a casting and chose me.

/ Do you study ? If yes in what
I finished university in Russia. I did study of economics and management. Now I am learning French at La Sorbonne. I really like it. French is a very interesting language.
/ You come from Russia, do you consider there or where would you consider « home » ?
I am living in Paris. I love Paris but of course, Russia will always be in my heart as « home»

/ Being a model must be quite stressful how do handle the pressure ?
Yes sometimes it is stressful it is true. Yoga and Love (my boyfriend) help me. I really love my job My work for me is an art. For me it is important to show on photo or catwalk not only my beauty, the beauty of clothing or other. What’s  important to show during a show is the beauty of the soul, the emotions, the feelings and personality.

/ Did your parents support you in your modelling career ?
Yes my parents have always supported me . Of course, in the begginning they worried a lot. They didn’t trust modelling that much. But now they understand that it is a very interesting and serious job.

/ Must you sometimes go on a diet ?
I never do any special diets , but I like to eat healthy and natural food. To keep myself in shape I do sport. I love Surfing. It is the best sport for all my body. For holidays, we always go in warm places where there are waves.


Model Daria Avdienko@ouimanagement
Special Thanks to Clémentine / OUI MANAGEMENT
Interview de Claire Mérie
Photos Pascale Lourmand
Stylisme Alice Colagrande
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